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Breakfast Club


please complete the booking form below if you would like your child/ren to attend

Breakfast Club operates from 7.50am to 8.45am Monday to Friday during term time and is looked after by experienced staff each day.  A healthy breakfast of cereal, toast and a choice of drink is provided and a range of fun activities are available.  If you would like your child to attend please complete and return the booking form below.

Terms and conditions

Once your child is on the breakfast club register a place will be allocated for the day/s booked.

Fees are £3.50 per session for one child and £2.50 for additional siblings at the same session.  Fees should be paid in advance and can be paid either weekly, termly or half-termly.  Unfortunately, we are not able to offer credit and without the completed booking form and payment in advance we will not be able to allocate a place for your child.  There is no charge for breakfast club for those children in receipt of Pupil Premium.


We have the highest expectations of children while they are in school and, although we understand that breakfast club is a more relaxed atmosphere, we still expect pupils to behave with care and consideration towards others.

Behaviour at school is monitored by all staff who will intervene in appropriate ways if a child's behaviour falls blow the expected standards.  We reserve the right to refuse places to children who damage property, abuse staff or upset other children.